1. It protects against build-up

    Regular use of beard grooming products like balms and waxes can cause build-up. If product build-up is left unchecked, it can cause hair to lose its natural sheen. Applying Tea Tree Oil to beards prevents excessive build-up and protects hair.

    2. Breaks the cycle of dandruff and hair loss

    Skin flaking, and hair loss are a vicious cycle that afflict beards as much as they affect head hair. Tea Tree Oil helps break this chain by restoring moisture to a dry, irritated beard scalp thus helping maintain the thickness of your beard.

    3. Stimulant for blood flow

    Tea Tree Oil has stimulating properties which naturally improve blood circulation. When blood flow is pumping, naturally your beard growth will occur at a faster pace. Even the scent of tea tree oil can stimulate blood circulation (aromatherapy) and bring about an improvement in your general health and well-being.

    4. Unclogs blocked pores

    The pores on your beard scalp close due to dirt, and tea tree oil gently unclogs them. It treats inflammation of the pores and helps weed out ingrown hair follicles, all of which are roadblocks to growing a thick and healthy beard.

    5. Permanent freedom from Dandruff

    Beard dandruff may seem like a never-ending problem. But using tea tree oil everyday keeps beard-ruff permanently at bay, putting a full stop to that persistent itch.

    6. Beard Acne and Spots

    Tea Tree Oil is highly therapeutic, and its antiseptic properties repel acne and spots on your beard scalp. It shields growing hair against bacteria and microbes that cause acne and other scalp infections.

    7. From greasiness to goodness

    A greasy beard feels unhealthy and stifling. Greasiness gives rise to numerous problems in your beard that can prevent its growth. Tea Tree Oil in your beard leaves it feeling healthy, light, and non-greasy.

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